What is Micromanagement?

Micromanagement refers to a type of management style that utilizes operational methods such as extremely close supervision or control of the minor details of an employee’s workload and output.

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Micromanagement definition

Micromanagement refers to a type of management style that utilizes operational methods such as extremely close supervision or control of the minor details of an employee’s workload and output. It is a negative term which generally symbolizes bad management system.

Reasons for micromanagement

- Personal: when the relationship between the manager and the subordinate lacks trust and respect.

- Institutional: when managers are downward pressure to achieve results.

Disadvantages of micromanagement

- worker disengagement

- deteriorating of the manager-subordinate relationship

- worker apathy

- reduced productivity

- attrition of talent

Micromanager's traits

- Resist delegating work

- Focus on the details instead of the big picture

- Discourage others from making decisions

- Ignore colleague's experience and knowledge

- Focus on the wrong priorities

- Create a de-motivated team

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