
Create an Outstanding LinkedIn Company Page in 5 Easy Steps

In this blog post, we will show you how to create an outstanding LinkedIn Company Page in 5 easy steps. Whether you are creating your LinkedIn Company Page for the first time or you're looking for ideas to spruce up your existing page, we’ve got you covered!


Why do you need to have an outstanding LinkedIn Company Page?

LinkedIn is the world’s most famous and largest professional social network, with more than 500 million members.  

💡 This makes LinkedIn a great place to present and promote your business and Employer Brand. 

Employer Branding will immensely help you recruit and retain talent. According to research, a strong Employer brand reduces the cost per hire by up to 50% and lowers turnover rates by 28%.


And the best part is that you can cash in on all those benefits for free (or with minimal expenses)! 😁

➡️ You can create your Company Page on LinkedIn for free and use it to:

The goal of your LinkedIn Company Page should be not only to present who you are and what you do but also to showcase what it is like to work at your company.

Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced LinkedIn user, in this blog post you will find actionable tips and tricks that will help you set up and maintain an outstanding LinkedIn Company Page. So let's get started! 🙂

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How to create a Company Page on LinkedIn?

Wondering how to create a company page on LinkedIn and where to get started? 🤔

Here is an outline of the 5 steps you need to take if you want to create a company page on LinkedIn:


STEP #1: Create your LinkedIn Company Page

Create LinkedIn Company Page

Creating a LinkedIn Company Page is totally free and easy.

Simply add your company logo, banner image, and company description to get started.  

Create LinkedIn Career Pages

You already have a LinkedIn Company Page, but you want to create a site that will focus on improving your recruiting and hiring strategy?

Think about creating a LinkedIn Career Page! It is a paid feature, but it will unlock 2 new tabs: 

1.) Life tab 

Here you can showcase your company culture by featuring company videos and photos, employee blogs and testimonials, etc.

2.) Job tab 

This tab offers personalized job recommendations and a feed of your open roles.


Great example: Check out L’Oreal Career Page

STEP #2: Set your goals

Set your LinkedIn goals

OK, so now you’ve created LinkedIn Company Page, but don’t start posting like crazy - yet! 

First, you need to do some thinking and planning after creating your LinkedIn company page. You need to plan and develop the goals you want to achieve with your LinkedIn Page.

How to do it? 🤔

➡️ Ask yourself these 4 main questions:

  1. Who am I trying to reach and why?
  2. Who are my ideal candidates?
  3. What are they interested in?
  4. What can we offer them?

Candidate persona

Answering these questions will help you send targeted messages to the candidates that you want to attract. 

Align with your Employer Branding strategy

Your LinkedIn strategy should be a part of your overall Employer Branding strategy.

Make sure that your LinkedIn goals are aligned with your general Employer Branding goals!

How to-align-LinkedIn-goals-with-your-employer-branding-strategy

Use your Candidate Persona and Employee Value Proposition as your starting point for building your specific LinkedIn strategy. 

Keep in mind that your LinkedIn page is an important touchpoint in your candidate journey and plays a crucial role in your candidate experience.

STEP #3: Generate engaging content 

Curate content

Many beginners hesitate when it comes to generating high-quality, engaging content because they think they lack the time, skills and resources to produce it.

It would be great if you could create original content specifically for their LinkedIn Company Page, but sometimes it simply isn’t possible. 

However, you can still maintain a great LinkedIn Company Page with engaging content (other than your job postings).
How to do it? 

💡 The secret to this is so-called content curation.
Content curation is the practice of sharing your own or even other people’s relevant content. 

Think about it - you probably already have a lot of great content you created for your company site, youtube channel, social media updates, media communication etc. Use all these photos, videos, press releases, blog posts, company updates etc. and repurpose it for your LinkedIn Company Page. 

Create content

Besides curating content, LinkedIn pro’s also create new content specifically for their LinkedIn Career Page.

What type of content should you create? What works best on LinkedIn? 🧐

Here are some great, real-life examples from big brands:

1.) Highlight the members of your team 

Create passionate employee testimonials by posting videos or photos and quotes of your employees.


You can also post photos or snippets of your CEO or your experts speaking at a webinar, conference or podcast.


2.) Showcase your company culture 

Behind-the-scenes photos and videos that showcase your company culture and everyday life in your office.


3.) Publish your company news 

Celebrate new product launch, received rewards and other company milestones.


4.) Publish industry news 

Demonstrate your expertise by providing original review and commentary of hot industry trends.


STEP #4: Optimize your posts

Useful tips & tricks

Here is how you can optimize your posts to perform better on LinkedIn:

1.) Use visuals! 👀

Always include an image or some type of rich media (such as video, infographics etc.). According to LinkedIn research:

2.) Write short, snappy titles 

According to research:

3.) Keep it simple 

Despite what conventional wisdom might say about the LinkedIn audience being more educated, according to research, an “Easy” (easily read by 11 years-olds) readability level performs better.

4.) Engage your audience 

Ask thoughtful questions to involve your audience. Always include a clear call to action, like a link.


Utilize analytics

With LinkedIn robust, in-product analytics you can measure the results of your posts. 

Track your best performing posts and use them as examples of the best practice. You can also assess page trends and viewership, and benchmark against competitors.

Use all that valuable insights and information to improve your LinkedIn Company Page strategy and adjust your content to perfectly target your prospective candidates.

💡 It is not enough only to create a LinkedIn company page - you need to constantly improve it if you want to keep up with your competitors in the war for talent. 

STEP #5: Involve your employees

Employees sharing content

Most of your employees probably already have LinkedIn profiles, but make sure they have listed your company as their current employer. That will drive traffic to your Company page and enable prospective candidates to check out their potential colleagues’ profiles.

It is also a good idea to ask your employees to share your Company Page updates. That way you can widen the reach of your updates and present a more trustworthy image of your company.

➡️ According to LinkedIn’s research:

Employees creating content

Turn your employees form your company’s supporters to proactive employer brand ambassadors! 💪

Instead of just sharing your company updates, your employees can help you create original, highly engaging content!


Encourage your employees to take photos and videos of their everyday work life at the office, company events, conferences etc. and publish them on their personal LinkedIn profiles.

They can also share their expertise by writing blog posts in which they comment on the relevant industry trends or present interesting projects your team works on.

That way they can build their own personal professional brand, at the same time advancing your Employer Brand: a win-win situation! 🤝

Must-follow rule: Always be authentic!

➡️ If I had to give you just one piece of advice for creating an outstanding LinkedIn Company Page, it would be to always be authentic.

This is exactly where most Pro’s go wrong - they hire professionals to create high-quality content. Unfortunately, this content often turns out like standard commercials - it is flashy, perfect and - generic. It loses its sincerity and authenticity.

According to LinkedIn, you should instead:

“Give every candidate an authentic view of your culture with employee-created content, company videos and photos.”

That’s nicely put, but how should you do that in the practice? 🤔

Let’s take a look at a great example of how LinkedIn itself did it.

Although you could assume that Chris Brown, as the Director of UK Talent Solutions at LinkedIn, has both a great talent acquisition team to support his endeavors and the time and the resources to engage a professional video company, he decided to make a company video - himself.

He literally walked around the office with his smartphone and asked as many people as he could what’s the best thing about working at LinkedIn London. He simply sneaked up behind his colleagues and asked them about that without any planning or prep.

“The reason I did that was to capture their first reaction, that authenticity.”, says Chris Brown.

Interested to see what he captured? 

👇 Here is his video:

Yeah! 👏 This is how pros do it! 💪

And you could, too. 🙂

Hopefully, this video has convinced you that you don’t need a whole team, professional service or high production to create great content for your LinkedIn Company Page. 🙂

Get started with the work on your LinkedIn Company Page

So there you have it, folks!

Now you know everything you need to create and maintain a successful LinkedIn Company Page.

Go on and do your thing - we bet the results will be outstanding! 😊

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Further reading

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